In case you haven’t noticed, this month’s theme at The Chomp is motivation. Our February Featured Gator highlights a student who is demonstrating intense ambition, grit, and will-power, junior Charleigh Morrison! Charleigh also has a winning personality, which makes her stand out as someone to look up to.
“Charleigh always displays a positive attitude,” says AP Lang teacher, Mrs. Desmond.
Charleigh, a Gateway choice student from Pitman, in the thick of junior year, has big ambitions for their future. Charleigh aspires to go into the field of law, starting by attending a university with a good reputation. This can be tricky, however, due to the rising cost of college tuition and related fees.
But, Charleigh has a plan. They have done extensive research on universities that have the right programs, the right atmosphere, and aren’t completely exorbitant in price. One college that Charleigh found and loved has a very generous financial aid system that seeks to ensure that those qualified to attend are able to financially. These scholarships, however, have very intense criteria.
After speaking to an admissions counselor at this dream college, Charleigh decided to embark on a journey that would solidify that they may receive desired merit funds. One thing this journey includes is taking lots of AP courses. Charleigh is enrolled in AP U.S. Government and Politics and AP U.S. History II this year and is enjoying both classes. To get the scholarship, however, they need to have taken five AP courses by the time they graduate.
Charleigh, with a passion for justice and the legal system, hopes to continue their AP career with courses that support this passion. Charleigh and some other students at Gateway are seeking to take AP Comparative Government next year as an independent study outside of their coursework at Gateway. Their plan is to help each other out so they can all not only pass the exam, but further their shared passion of civics. There are plans to split the cost of a textbook and help each other study for the AP test in May.
Charleigh also plans on taking Mrs. Payne’s new AP World History class next year to accrue another rigorous AP course in her transcript.
Mr. Joyce, Gateway’s Mock Trial coach, had to say:
Students at Gateway can take inspiration from Charleigh. Not only is Charleigh challenging themself to reach their goals, but they are exhibiting a level of motivation that isn’t seen as often in today’s society.
Charleigh served as a defense attorney on the Mock Trial team this year, and was co-counsel to eighth grader, Spencer Barrett. He shared:
This Gator is also not afraid to speak up for what they believe in, whether it is standing up for another student’s rights or calling it as Charleigh sees it in class discussions. The awesome thing about Charleigh is that they have a positive and respectful approach, which encourages people to listen and value what they have to say.
This is a very important skill to have, especially in today’s society where students are typically struggling with adequate communication skills and confidence.
Charleigh is a true role model for students at Gateway and is determined to reach their goals. Way to go, Charleigh! We’ll be cheering for you along the way and celebrating with you as you crush goals.
Wanda Miller Adams • Feb 13, 2024 at 6:17 pm
Congrats to Charleigh! Very proud, as former Gators ourselves, of our granddaughter! Nice article!