All content by Alex Noble
Citations without the Fluff
EasyBib and Citation Machine and all the others, like Chegg, are junk regularly promoted by teachers. They are shoved full of ads and trackers and promote their paid plans at every turn. I mean, I personally...
A student trying to make a bathroom pass at GRHS with e-hallpass
"Maybe It's Time For Change"
Over the past two years, Gateway Regional High School students have wondered why they receive 80s for their daily participation grade, a C. The answer, surprisingly, is because they have worn jeans. Students...
Where it is & Where it Should Go
Public transportation in suburban South Jersey presents a unique set of experiences and challenges. Despite the promise of timely services, the reality often falls short, with frequent delays and irregular...
A Debate
Staff writer, Alex Noble, and Editor-in-Chief, Laurel Barrett, debate the ills and merits of the online Latin program, Educere, that students are using until Mrs. Cross returns. Alex writes about student...
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