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Gateway Teachers Recognize Gators

Students end year strongly
Mrs. Brangan and Lloyd Shambry. Lloyd has been a staff favorite over the past 6 years. He has certainly had a special journey in The Swamp.
Mrs. Brangan and Lloyd Shambry. Lloyd has been a staff favorite over the past 6 years. He has certainly had a special journey in The Swamp.
Cassidy Hagmaier

Throughout the school year, there have been plenty of outstanding Gateway Gators who did their absolute best this year. This year has been a very stressful yet successful school year for many. Even if you hadn’t been chosen by one of the nominated teachers, remember to pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you have accomplished this school year. It was no easy feat!

There is most certainly something for everyone to be proud of–the fact we all made it through the year! Now we have something even better to look forward to, summer!  We met with a few different teachers from a variety of different departments to ask them a few questions about who they felt did an extra great job all year. 

First, we got together with Mrs. Brangan and asked her a few questions. We started by asking her, “Who has shown the most dedication to your class and the school itself throughout the school year?” 

She responded, “The people who showed the most dedication to class have always shown dedication, so they aren’t the most improved. Although they really like PE or some may say are very competitive.”                      

Next, we asked, “Do you have a specific student in mind?” 

She continued, “The student I had chosen is Lloyd Shambry, he had a few difficult years and wasn’t able to run track until his sophomore year. When Lloyd was a sophomore, I don’t think he put academics as a priority, which prevented him from being able to participate in track in the spring.  This hit him hard, and by junior year, he had been a great student having understood the consequences of his actions.

We next talked with Mr. James and asked him the same questions.

Mr. James and Dalis Letzgus on a trip. Don’t they just look so happy! (Mr. James)

He then responded by saying, “I choose Dalis Letzgus. Each day in class, Dalis brings a positive energy that is admirable. He enjoys helping me any chance he gets in the classroom and also tries to add to each lesson with an interesting story or his unique perspective.”

James continues, “This makes my job easier and allows for my lessons to run smoothly. He really brings great insight when it comes to anything relating to animals and plans on pursuing veterinary school.”

After asking Mr. James those questions, we asked Mrs. Danza similar questions.

Mrs. Danza responded, “Lauren Murphy because she has grown as a math student this academic school year. In my opinion, she started the year off quiet and unsure of herself.  As the year has progressed, Lauren has gained confidence in her abilities and a maturity level and understanding that will allow her to extend her math skills in higher-level classes.”

Danza continued, “Lauren has become a vocal participant in classroom lessons often questioning why something happens until it makes sense to her.  I believe that the more Lauren puts into our class, the more she gets out of it.  She is a determined young lady and knows how to prepare herself for class.  I appreciate the hard work that Lauren has put into Algebra 2, and I hope that she believes in her abilities as much as I do.” 

Mrs. Danza couldn’t choose just one student, so she decided to shout out another student, “John Tiliakos because he takes the knowledge that he has learned previously and applies it to future lessons. He finds the connections and will stay after class to ask probing questions so he can make those connections.  He goes about his work quietly but also knows how to use his voice in class when needed.  John is polite and friendly and willingly shares his knowledge with others.”

Lastly, we chatted with Mrs. Broadbelt, and she was very eager to share her “most-improved” student!

She shared, “I choose Liv Demaio. Although I may not have had her in any of my classes, she demonstrates being an All-in Gator with her positive presence and respectful demeanor.”


Thank you to all of the teachers who agreed to meet and talk with us about some of the stand-out students who have impacted them this school year. I hope everyone has enjoyed this year and is excited to move into summer and the next chapter of our lives. Congratulations on a year well done!

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