Let’s welcome 2025 in with open arms and an open mind. This time of year can be hard for people because the times of the year you may look forward to, like summer, seem so far away, it’s cold out, and motivation starts lacking.
Sophomores can reaffirm that sophomore slump is a very real thing, or senioritis! Despite this upcoming period of no breaks and school constantly, let’s not forget this can also be a really positive growing time of the year. The new year just started. Maybe you can start imagining a year full of opportunities, more laughter, new goals, and a new you!
Many never really liked “new year’s resolutions.” Maybe it’s because they feel like so much pressure; instead, people can just take it day by day and approach every obstacle life throws with a good attitude and a strong sense of self. Most people tend to not follow through on their resolutions, but they can still make changes to make them better individuals.
People are always going to have something to say and might even try to tell you to change yourself, but remember that you’re the only person to make a change for yourself. Do things for YOU this year, step out of boxes you might feel confined in, take risks, and find things that bring you joy! High school kids are at an age where everyone expects them to start figuring out their lives, so just remember to ground yourself, take deep breaths, and trust your gut. Teens today can all have a year full of smiles and rising up from the lows, so let’s get into laying it out!
Ways to help you become your best self in 2025:
- Create a Ins and Outs List
For any fellow Tik Tok scrollers or just pop culture gurus, you might have heard of this. It’s pretty much like a Pros and Cons list, but to start your year off right. For example you can say, “ Incorporating more vegetables in my diet is In, but late night snacking is Out.” This is a super easy way to categorize your thoughts and maybe once you start writing you’ll find a common theme or area to focus in on. You just need a piece of paper and a writing utensil or even your Notes app and a determined mind to get this started. You can always look for inspo on the internet, but honestly this should be personal. I hope if you decide to do this, if you look back a year from now you’ll be happy at some new changes you made!
2. Use Planners
This one is pretty basic, but using a planner can be so helpful. People are all so different in their ways of studying and keeping everything in order, but planners are accessible and have helped many become a more organized, responsible person. From keeping track of school work to writing down your sports practices or friends birthdays, a planner helps in all aspects of your life. Planners come in all different sizes, colors, and layouts. You get to make your planner your own which is so fun, and this might even impress an adult in your life by showing you care and want to take initiative and that the reins are in your hands! Do your research and find one that calls to you if you’re interested in being in your organizing era!

3. Create Vision Boards
This one is for all the creative manifesters out there! The ones who scroll Pinterest for WAY too long at night planning their perfect future. Vision boards can be such a unique outlet to put your thoughts to imagery to see for the whole year. No 2 vision boards are alike, because no 2 people have the exact dreams or goals. Some may consider making one full of outdoorsy and academic validation aesthetic. You can simply go to the dollar store or Michael’s and grab a poster board of any size, print images or cut from magazines, and stick them on there. Have fun and make it realistic and challenging, and it’ll help you keep your drive for the things you want most out of this year! Doing this with your friends is so enjoyable, and many pictures will come out of this experience.
4. Take Up New Hobbies
Each year we grow and learn more about ourselves, and that takes us to try new things. If you feel like you’re stuck doing the same things, then maybe this is for you. It’s not ever easy leaving your comfort zone and the familiarity of it all, but trust me, as a girl who was once so shy, to being an extrovert now, it’s worth the leap of faith. Even if it’s a small thing, that’s still progress, and that means you’re growing, which is so positive. If you feel like you’re more of an indoor person, maybe try to be out in nature more or try a new activity for fun. Who knows, you might find something that you would’ve never thought you would like but end up loving. I really hope you do. The more good things in life we have to come back to, the more hopeful we are in the dark moments.
5. Give Back / Find the Good
Starting 2 years ago I started donating to organizations like Unicef, Trevor’s Project, ASPCA, and women’s rights organizations. Anything I’m passionate about I try to give back too. So, I really encourage all you teenagers to open your hearts and eyes, see the world through a hard raw lens, and give back this year. You become so full of gratitude for what you have, but you should never do it to make yourself feel better, it’s about others.
We all have the choice to do good, to volunteer, to make someone smile when going through a dark tunnel. The world could really use more caring people now more than ever. As we get older, we start focusing on what’s important. Things like saving your money, being with the people you love, making great memories, trying new things, doing good for the world they’re my important things. Maybe this year try to find yours, realize that what we tend to stress over or over think isn’t worth it. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s true. Life is too short to only care about material things or what people think.
Make a grateful jar this year. A school counselor once brought the idea to me, and in 2021 I made my first. I got a mason jar decorated it, and everyday of the year I took a PostIt and wrote one good thing that happened that day or something I was grateful for. It’s a great way to show us all that there are always more good things than bad and if you are having a bad day you can pull one out to hopefully make you realize that life is good and everything will be okay. So what I’m trying to say is this year maybe focus on perspective and being more aware that there is so much more in life than your little bubble, there’s a whole world. I hope you have some amazing days this year to look back on!
This is just about growing into the best version of yourself, and discovering yourself more, and creating better atmospheres and habits for yourself. This year, don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve, to speak your mind, to cry and feel your emotions. We have the power to make positive real changes in the world, and make ourselves into exactly who we want to be, all that’s left is to begin!
So, let’s prioritize and normalize talking about our feelings, loving everyone for exactly who they are not who you want them to be, and let’s please normalize fighting for what’s important and educating ourselves this year! As Elphaba says in Wicked, “Too late for second guessing, it’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap.” Trust your gut, let’s make this year the best one yet!
2025 topics list:
- https://www.today.com/life/holidays/new-year-quotes-rcna185093
- https://www.prevention.com/life/a63231481/2025-best-planners/
- https://www.blogilates.com/
- https://www.unicef.org/