Gateway held its annual Reindeer Games on Friday, December 20th, as a way of celebrating that winter break was here! All high school grades and staff competed for the coveted Reindeer Games trophy. This year, class of 2025 won! Therefore, they get to keep the reindeer trophy until the next time. Although they would have graduated by then.

When students walked in, one of the first things they might have noticed was the amazing reindeer games banners on the far wall. Or they might have heard Mr. Harris’ music!
Out of the diverse collection of games, one ran the entire time, and that was the puzzle challenge. In the puzzle challenge contestants had to assemble a complicated puzzle of overlapping candy canes. Everyone struggled with this one; however, several teams were still able to complete it.
Another game was to eat six powdered doughnuts as fast as possible. Khoebe Williams, representing the juniors, won for the girls. As for the boys, the seniors won.
A classic game is the box grab, which is essentially Simon Says but with a twist. In it, two people go head-to-head with the objective of grabbing the wrapped box the fastest. However, they have to do whatever “Simon” says, such as sit down, spin in a circle, or stand on one foot. Ms. Lynch was victorious for most rounds! However, eventually, she was beat by senior Isan Salamanca.
Perhaps the most chaotic game is musical chairs. This year, several chairs broke during the game! Luckily, nobody was hurt! Golam Khan, 12th grade, and Ms. Ruiz were the last two left. However, Golam ended up taking home the victory! You can always count on musical chairs making an appearance at the Reindeer Games every year due to how much teachers and students alike love to watch eagerly with suspense.
Of course, Gateway thanks all who helped to facilitate the 2024 Reindeer Games, especially Mr. Cunning who MC’d and Mr Harris who provided his sick beats. We look forward to seeing who will win the coveted trophy next year!