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AP Summer Work Tips and Tricks

You’ll feel ripe and ready come September!
A collection of study pics from throughout the year that can be attributed to the success of my summer work
A collection of study pics from throughout the year that can be attributed to the success of my summer work
Laurel Rose Barrett

AP classes, as many know, require lots of work throughout the year in preparation for the big AP test come May. The college-level curriculums are so vast that oftentimes teachers have to cut some corners to fit in the most important material that is key to know for test day. To avoid this, however, Gateway and many other schools, give incoming AP students work to complete over the summer in preparation. 

For students who worked tirelessly all year, this may seem like a burden, but it is beneficial in the long run. If you can get a head start and have the time, why not take advantage? To help you strategize this summer and complete your work in a timely and efficient manner, I will be sharing some of my best summer work tips. These skills can be applied to any summer preparation, AP class or not. 


When it comes to getting work done as efficiently as possible, a large factor is the setting in which you complete your work! You don’t need an elaborate office space to get going on your summer work grind, but there are ways to maximize your space to increase your productivity. 

  1. Clear off a hard surface, whether it be a desk in your room or even your kitchen table, and fill your space with only what will help you to succeed. No distractions! Helpful items may include a large water bottle, a study snack, any supplies you may need, and a clock to manage your time. Some gentle music in the back may also help you to focus better! 
  2. If home isn’t a place where you are able to “lock in,” then I suggest you visit your local library! Most towns have a community library where there are designated spaces for study. Just keep in mind that in some locations you may have to reserve a study room ahead of time with the use of your library card.
  3. Other locations may include a coffee shop, like Barnes & Noble or Starbucks. The locations in Deptford and on Rowan Boulevard are both excellent places to get a lot of work done. My friends and I chose this as our study space prior to AP exams this year and found it very helpful! Just keep in mind that these places tend to be on the louder side with louder music and the hustle and bustle of the kitchen.
Don’t be like Spencer! Manage your time well and don’t wait until the last minute!

Time Management

Managing your time efficiently, especially if you have numerous AP classes, is key to being prepared when the start of the next school year rolls around. It can be hard in the busyness of the summer to get everything done and still have fun, but trust me, it is possible!

  1. Make a study schedule! This could work in many different ways. If you know your summer isn’t going to be too busy with other activities, try making a full summer schedule! Just be aware that unexpected activities and events may come up, but you shouldn’t let that throw you completely off-kilter! If you work a summer job or have other responsibilities or trips planned, making a weekly study schedule may be more your speed.
  2. Don’t start right away, but don’t wait until the week before school starts. It is really important to rest after the long and taxing school year. You deserve it!

That being said, after taking a week or a couple to decompress and rediscover your hobbies, try to get started so you can spread out your work and have it done well in time for the start of school.

There is nothing worse than starting the new school year off on a stressful note with late assignments and cramming.


Especially if you have more than one class to prepare for this summer, keeping all of your assignments neat and organized is very important. You certainly want to be sure to not misplace anything or misread a direction!

  1. Purchase a new or reuse a binder, folder, or notebook to keep your materials together. Especially if you plan to work in numerous different locations, you must keep all of your work in an organized, transportable collection. 
  2. Keep your different subject material in its own designated spaces. Work between different classes can look similar, so make sure you don’t mix it up or misplace individual pages. 
  3. Work for some classes, like AP Government, is online. To keep your online work organized, consider creating a summer work Google Drive to keep everything organized. Then, when the school year rolls around you can just add and maintain an organized online file system!
My ever-expanding collection of AP study materials. It can be helpful to use study aids in addition to teacher resources! (Laurel Rose Barrett)

Summer work can seem a daunting and herculean task right about now, but I promise it isn’t that bad as long as you execute it well and with a positive attitude! I guarantee, from experience, that if you follow some or all of my tips you will be just fine!

The Chomp wishes you all the best of luck in your educational summer pursuits!

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