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Maintaining High School Relationships Over Summer

Learn from one of the best Gator couples!
Caleb and Lexie looking their best! What  a great couple!
Caleb and Lexie looking their best! What a great couple!

Relationships can be a hard thing to maintain especially at the high school age and during summer. A lot of couples decide to take a break or just split apart because of difficulties or just the free range of being single. If you and your person are going strong there is no reason to break up; in fact, there are many ways and things you can do to keep the spark alive.

To keep the spark multiple things can help. Trust is very important. In a relationship, each partner should be allowed to do what they want and have fun within reason. Trust should be available to allow that person freedom. Being faithful is also very important. It allows your partner to maintain his or her trust and not feel a certain type of way when you go out. Reassurance is a lot of the time overlooked by couples. It is completely normal to go through a period where it may be difficult to believe your partner. It is easy to point fingers at one another, so some reassuring words or actions will be helpful.

Another thing that helps is communication. Letting your partner know how you are feeling helps them understand what’s going on. If you feel your partner has done something wrong, you have to let them know clearly. Some things won’t change if you are not clear about what happened.

An article from says, “Be open and honest with your partner so you can try to tackle the problem together. This also builds trust and alleviates the need for constant reassurance.”

Using a mentality like this will elevate your relationship and allow you and your partner to be content with each other. Allowing the relationship to come easy and not having to constantly stress about all the what-ifs will ultimately make your relationship healthier. Something I do in my relationship is never go to sleep with something left unsaid or unresolved feelings. You deserve to talk about how you feel, and the other deserves to know what is going on.

There are also many things you and your partner can do together to make sure you can experience multiple things. One easy thing is seeing a movie– t is entertaining and gives you things to talk about. Getting dinner is a more romantic thing and is a great way to get to know someone. Whether it is a fancy dinner or a casual day, it allows an extra connection to be made when it’s just the two of you. In case you want to be a bit more private, you can always have a picnic. A picnic will give you things to observe outdoors and with more privacy, so you can have deeper conversations. A little craft when you are bored together would be very fun. Both people can combine their ideas to get one task done. Put some music on, talk, and work together to make something sentimental you will remember.

A more complex one would be traveling somewhere new or somewhere you both are interested in going. Each other’s company is nice and will be fun in general.

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology says, “Additionally, after doing something new and exciting with their partner, people said that they felt equally high levels of growth and security in their relationship.” This shows new experiences can help you grow together and be more connected to one another. 

Many things can help your relationship stay fresh and healthy. Doing different things together and practicing communication, reassurance, trust, and faith will help make both people grow separately and together. Letting your partner and yourself have the knowledge of each other’s love, everything else will come naturally to stay connected and not grow apart.

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