McKenna Spositi
A burgeoning bright sky indicating new beginnings in the new year
It is time for New Year celebrations! The New Year means something different to every person. Some people like to set resolutions, and some don’t, but it’s a really good idea to aim towards keeping new good habits in the new year. Most people don’t truly realize how important making goals and resolutions for yourself is.
Some good habits that you can aim for in the new year are exercising, like jogging or walking in your neighborhood, taking some time to write each day, whether it be in a journal or for school, or even just beginning to hang out with friends and family more often. Take a look and open your mind to some things you can try in 2024.
Sticking to new habits can be tricky, but it is all about keeping a routine. A good habit to get into during the week is going outside more. An article written by UC Davis Health talks about the many health and wellness benefits of going outside. When you remain idle indoors for too long, you’re going to be feeling more tired and unmotivated. The article also discusses how going outside lowers the risks of depression and improves concentration and attention, also helping you commit to making social interactions and pacing yourself.
While getting outside and exercising are wonderful habits to start in the new year, there are many other activities you can pick up. An example of a good habit that you can claim is reading a book of your choice. Don’t be afraid to try something new! Not everyone enjoys reading, some prefer writing. You can write stories as imaginative as your mind takes you if you let it.
There are many different activities that you can do even inside the house. While going outside may not be for everyone, you can always draw, paint, color, or bake cookies. If crafts are not your thing there are always jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and word searches. There is an article called “50 Good Habits to Help Spur your mental well-being” by Betterup that offers the benefits on spending less time on your phone, which improves your mental health. It also explains how much social interactions improve your mental health. Try not to spend too much of your time dedicated to the Internet!
Making a routine of good habits can be difficult to start. However, they don’t have to be difficult to continue once you begin. Whether it be going outside and enjoying fresh air with your friends or family, beginning to do different types of exercises such as running or yoga, or even sitting inside and doing solo activities and crafts, try to find something that may spark your interest in this new year.
Remember that doing something rather than nothing is always the better option. We wish everyone a happy and productive New Year!
Make sure to let us know about some of your new good habits this year! Share in the comments.