Abria Joshua
Mrs. Lupo, Gateway's newest art teacher! We welcome her and look forward to meeting her!
Ms. Lupo, Gateway’s newest teacher, has joined us!
December’s Featured Teacher is Ms. Lupo. She has started teaching in the art department, specifically, Computer Graphics and Photography, Art ll, and Set Design. We are all so excited that she has become a new member of the Gateway community!
Ms. Lupo went to college at Thomas Jefferson University and later went on to Temple. However, she didn’t go to school for teaching. When Ms. Lupo graduated she moved to New York City and started work as a fashion designer. After that, she worked for a finance company in Philadelphia doing graphic design. While working there Ms. Lupo had the opportunity to teach kids in the Philadelphia school district about graphic design, and she loved it! She then started teaching in Pitman’s school district.
When asked why she loves teaching, Ms. Lupo said, “I love seeing kids see what they can make.”
She went on to say that she loves when all their hard work pays off and they get a product that they are happy with, especially if they do not consider themselves “art people”.
Her main piece of advice she would give to a high school student is, “Try everything, you never know where your life will go.”
Ms. Lupo’s favorite art medium is mixed media with colored pencils and Illustrator; she did have a hard time picking. Her favorite work she has done was a cover for A Sunday’s Pilgrimage: Six Days, Several Prayers and the Super Bowl, a book her brother wrote. Ms. Lupo said that it was her favorite because it meant so much to her that she got to help her brother.
Ms. Lupo is excited to start teaching at Gateway. If you want to talk to her about something you learned about in this article, or about the classes she teaches you can stop by room 103 or send her an email! Gateway is so glad she could step in and start teaching, and we all hope everything goes great in her classes!